Art by @wildstar25

if a bunny had to save the world would that be fucked up or what

She's the Warrior of Light, even though she probably shouldn't be - her name is Baublegum Wintersnap, but all her friends call her Winnie!
(Zenos is not her friend.
Zenos is not allowed to call her Winnie.)
She likes cotton candy, fluffy blankets, and long walks in the snow!She hates mean people, sad things, and anytime anyone tells her her name is spelled wrong!

More than anything, Winnie's goal in life is to see as many new places, meet as many new people, and do as many new things as she possibly can! That's why she left her village, after all!Even when good times give way to bad, Winnie bounces back. If she gets knocked down, she gets right back up.And when the people she loves become the people she's lost, even then, she smiles - she's always moving forward, with the memories of each of them pressed to the pages of her heart.

Winnie's not very smart and there's lots of stuff she's not good at, but she loves her friends and she does her best at whatever she puts her mind to!Some of the things she's put her mind to recently include:❥ jump more good! for drg purposes
❥ learn star names! but NOT from jannequinard
❥ pet every sheep on the Azim Steppe! she thinks she's getting close! (she's not)

❣ Here's some more Winnie facts! ❣

Winnie Art!

❣ Boobies Out Below This Point! ❣